
A “new” ideology that gained traction around 2022 in Silicon Valley : effective accelerationism (or e/acc).

I remember that I quickly embraced it, diving at bit more into this new internet bubble without much thought. Not that I wasn’t questioning the idea, I think I did, however i just couldn’t find an argument against.

In no way it’s a perfect ideology, as I mentioned in Nuance, there are always tradeoffs, I just think it’s the best one that I’ve known about.

Accelerationism is, at this core, looking back in history and seeing that what lifted humanity to what it is today is technological progress. If you plot progress over time, you just get an exponential function : accelerationism is about aiming to keep that exponential, which means constant acceleration.

Yes, this ideology is only about us, humans. While in any way means we should eradicate nature, it means we are bound to make a choice that will prefer humans to nature, and i think it’s fine.

To me, life is just a lucky accident, creating a civilization out of it ? Against all odds, yet here we are. This tiny probability is what we must save, at all costs.

Would the world be as beautiful as it is without something conscious to observe it ? I would tend to say no.

From this ideological thinking, I believe we must progress, fight through the unknowns and build the next thing.
