Here are some projects that i’ve worked on in the past or currently working on:


Reelevant allow customers to personalize their email content for each individual client based on the data they have (think purchases, activity, preference etc) about them.

On the tech side, this works by integrating image in their email that is dynamically generated for each person: executing a decision tree, fetching needed data and rendering the final image.

My job here is quite diverse:

  • Prioritizing the development of the product
  • Assisting Sales & Customer Success in technical details
  • Onboarding customer data into our platform
  • Maintaining our infrastructure
  • Building some part of the product

Past projects

OpenTelemetry JS

From the official website:

OpenTelemetry provides a single set of APIs, libraries, agents, and collector services to capture distributed traces and metrics from your application. You can analyze them using Prometheus, Jaeger, and other observability tools.

I’ve written few parts of the JS implementation:

From June 2019 to March 2023 i was a maintainer for the JS implementation where i focus most of my effort triaging issues and reviewing PRs (having only my free time to work on it, i can’t code much on it anymore).

I’ve stepped down because i couldn’t find the time to work on it anymore as this was a hobby project.


A product that allows you to manage what you show on screens around your office.

As a developer and specially in devops position, part of my job is to monitor whats hapenning in our production.

We had chromecast but someone needed to constantly cast, we also tested rasberry pi’s but was never easy to change the url, had to connect in ssh etc. So i decided to write a product myself and focus on simplicity.

Currently, it allows you to show a specific url, remotely control with mouse/keyboard from your browser, cast a url to a chromecast and automatically refresh the url every x seconds.

I’ve stopped working on it after the COVID-19 pandemic hit Europe since i had stopped to go the office. Even after coming back we decided to dispose of our big screen around the office so i’ve stopped using it.


The project goal was to empower developers to understand how their applications is behaving in production using profiling data with minimal performance impact and without vendor lock-in.

When working on PM2 Enterprise one feature goal was to allow customers to remotely profile (cpu/heap) their nodejs application in production. For later projects i needed a simpler solution that just export result on s3/gcs so i wrote it.

It currently support taking cpu and memory profiling (and trace events but its specific) then export them to filesystem, S3 or GCS.
I’ve stopped working on it after 2019, focusing my spare time for OpenTelemetry.